For many years, newgrounds has been my favorite website. My number 1 hobby is music, so i spend about half of my day playing and making songs, and the rest of the day listening to others work here on NG.
So... One day the thought struck me: Why don't you become a member and submit some of your music too? I have made about 300 songs over the 7 years i have played piano/ synth and drums, and no one but my younger brother has ever heard them. So... yesterday i joined Newgrounds, and as you may see, I have already submitted a song.
Over the next few days i shall submit some of the best songs i have made over the time, and hopefully get some OK ratings and a pair of constructive reviews.
welcome to Newgrounds cazok! This place has been like a nest for me, and has allowed me to expand my skills without fear of screwing up *everybody experiments around here!*
But be warned of course, there are several people here who would rate you low for no reason, for this purpose, steel yourself against the desire of high ratings. Review others, give constructive feedback, and they would do the same for you!
Once again, welcome to newgrounds, I hear some real talent in your works!